“Beasts of the Southern Wild Roars into the American Pavilion”

Dan Janvey, Josh Pen, Ben Richardson, Lucy Alibar, Benh Zeitlin, John Cooper (Photo by Alaina L. Lewis)
(Cannes, France) Beasts of the Wild, the newly acquired Fox Searchlight film, is all the rage here at the 65th Annual Cannes Film Festival and the Director Benh Zeitlin, Screenwriter Lucy Alibar, Cinematographer Ben Richardson and Producers Josh Penn and Dan Janvey visited the American Pavilion to dish about their award winning feature film which is in Uncertain Regard here at Cannes.
The panel was moderated by John Cooper (Sundance Institute) and audiences were given a play by play road map of the journey the film took from inception to the final frame.
“Beasts of the Southern Wild” is about six year old Hushpuppy who is faced with her father’s fading health and environmental changes that release an army of prehistoric creatures called aurochs. Hushpuppy then must leave her Delta-community home in search of her mother.
The film is slated for theatrical release this summer.